Monday, September 19, 2011

bulldogs and birthdays

I look forward to Fridays all week. Not just because it means no work for 2 days but because I get to go to the Provo High football game! This last Friday was particularly special. It’s was Joeys birthday and he was getting crowned home coming king! Yay! I was so proud of him! They announced it at half time they got to ride around the track in convertibles.  After they got out of the car Joe’s friends sang happy birthday to him. It was really sweet of them! I just love those boys! Jake had an awesome game! For the last couple games he has got to start varsity. He’s only a sophomore ha he’s such a stud. And! He is the lead tackler! Isn’t that amazing?!  Did I mention he’s only a sophomore? I could not be more proud of these boys!
Jake! (this is not a picture from Fridays game…. I couldn’t get my hands on one from this weekend. But this is still Jake! Being amazing as always)

We got to take pictures with Joe after the half time show. I put both up because one only kinda has Sam in it. And it’s a funny picture! He was running down the stadium trying to make it in time to take a picture with us and it worked! Sort of…

Saturday we all went out to dinner for Joeys birthday! In my family going out to dinner is a huge deal we only do it on people birthdays so we maybe go out 6 times a year. So it’s always sort of a big deal when we all go. Which is why we took the picture haha. We missed having Amy there though!  Aims is in St. George living the life! I’m so incredibly jealous of the fun adventures she gets to have daily.
Sunday was a yet another monumental day THE BILLS WON! I couldn’t believe it! They are 2-0 right now and according to Sam it’s been a very long time since they have had that kind of a record. He was so excited! I’ve never seen anyone get that excited over anything before….ever.  He was so cute about it! You couldn’t get that smile off his face and his fist out of the air for anything. Hopefully they keep up the good work. I would hate to see what his reaction would be if they lost.  
The weekend was wonderful! I got to spend a ton of time with my family! I miss them terribly be married and moved out! I didn’t realize how much I loved them! It was great to see Sam so happy over the bills game too! I’ll try and record his reaction sometime so you can all witness it!  

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