Tuesday, July 26, 2011

This last week this guy and this gal had a birthday, he turned 23 and she turned 21. 

Our birthdays are 3 days apart. Needless to say we are taking advantage of it. We had a birthday week! On Sam’s birthday (Thursday) I had to work L but I don’t think it bothered him much. I got him the new NCAA game and he played that all morning. For lunch we met up with his family at the Slab (best pizza I’ve ever had). After lunch Sam got to go golfing!  Then he got a snow cone with his dad and came home and played more NCAA. At the end of the night my parents came over with a cake and a present for him!  I think he had a pretty good birthday he got to do all of his favorite things!
On Friday I got to go to Harry Potter for the 2nd time with my family! My family rarely goes to the movies so it was so fun to have them there. After the movie Sam and I played poker with his family. Scott and Mara gave us each 40 for our birthday so we used that money to play. Sam went out first and I was out second, but I managed to break even! I had 40 dollars by the end of the night, so at least I didn’t lose any right?
Saturday morning Kortney, Jenny, Grandma and I went to Gardner Village for my birthday. Kort had planned the whole thing (she knows Gardner Village is one of my favorite places to go!). We ate first at the diner there, and then we looked at all the shops! Kort and I can spend hours on end in the shops she is my favorite person to go shopping with!  We rarely buy anything (because it’s usually way expensive) we mainly just go to look and then we come home and try to recreate some of the things we saw there. The project we came back with this time.....quote boards! They charge up to 80 bucks for these things, but I love them I am working on my own right now!  After my fun afternoon with the girls Sam and I drove up to Layton to pick up a table for our apartment.  I know it’s a far way to drive for a table, but this table is perfect and it was only 50 bucks! In our new apartment the dining area is extremely small so our old table wouldn’t fit.  I have been looking for months for a table like this and I finally found one! I could not be more excited about it!

Sunday was my birthday and guess what I got?!  A bike!  This is all I have talked about for months, I was so excited! My parents gave me a bike pump and a bike lock, how perfect of a birthday is that? Later that day my family and Sam’s parents went up to the cabin for a double birthday party. It was so much fun! When we got there Sam and I gave his parents a tour and then we ate. After that everyone went down the zip line including Matt! Everyone thought it was pretty cool he was willing to go.  Joe came up with a genius idea for the zip line!  He strapped one of the snowboards to his feet so when he went down the zip line he could lower his feet and water ski. It was amazing! Amy, Jake and I all tried to do it but no one got all the way across. We all got stranded in the middle of the pond. After that we had ice cream and cake and everyone sang happy birthday to Sam and I.  Then Sam, my dad and I started a water fight with water balloons that would not break!  So we ended up just using buckets of water (it worked better anyway).  I think everyone had fun! We missed Chloe, Sean and Maddie hopefully they will be able to come next time!                                         

Monday was a holiday, we didn’t have to work!  So after Sam and I got all the jobs done that we had neglected on Saturday I rode my new bike to my parent’s house and Sam played his game again. Joey (my amazing brother) went on a bike ride with me! We went down to the lake and to the barn to talk to my dad then we headed back. It was a fun ride but I was so tired by the time I got home. After the bike ride we met up with Sam’s family to see friends with benefits it was a funny show, kinda dirty but still good!  Then we all went to Ruby River it was fun to be with everyone, Staci and Matt bought our dinner for our birthdays they are the best!
It was one of my top birthdays! I’m so grateful for my family and everything they do for Sam and I. We truly are blessed to have such great families on both sides. I love all of them so much! Especially my mom and dad, they are the best parents anyone could have! It was such a good weekend, I’m so sad it has to end!


Staci T said...

The cabin was so fun! Thank you so much for having us. I am glad you had a good birthday. We love you guys!

Matt said...

I loved the cabin and your family. It was great spending time with your family, they are a lot of fun to be around.

I'm so happy you had a great birthday!