I have the most amazing grandma in the world. Don’t even bother to argue, she’s the best out there, end of story.
For the past few years her birthday party has been something the entire family looks forward to. Her “Birthday Party” is code for 2 days of working at the cabin. I guess she thinks no one would come if she told us we were going up to work. What she doesn’t understand is working with the Francis family IS a party. This year was one of the best, why? Because I got a grown up bed for the first time ever! There are only 3 real beds in the cabin, and there are 10 married couples. So did I ever think I would get one of them? No. I thought Sam and I would be stuck on a pad on the floor. But I was wrong, I got a bed. BEST NIGHT EVER. To make things better, we played steal the flag. For 3 hours. This is one of my all time favorite games. Sadly no one won, we called it a tie because it was late and everyone was tired. The next morning everyone was up at 6 (except Sam). We had breakfast (which is always amazing) and the work began. We pulled out the front porch boards and replaced them with new ones, the uncles extended the 2nd level porch out further and the younger boys built a boat dock for the pond.
cody,grandpa,ben,keaton,calvin,jake, trevon and joe
After that I got to play with some of the cutest little girls ever. You know the type of kids that are so amazingly perfect it makes you want your own? These girls are the very definition of that type. Hadley is 3 and Oakley is just over a year, they are not only gorgeous, but they are always happy and wanting to play. They made me baby hungry... hopefully I'll be able to convince Sam to have kids sooner. Just kidding! kinda..
Jenny, kort and me
When we got home from the cabin, I got to go to my cousin Jenny’s baby shower. Jen is like the big sister I never had. So although her baby will technically be my 2nd cousin, she said I could be Aunt Sarah. I’m so excited to meet my first niece! She’s due the beginning of August!
yay! it works now! :)
Hey, I like the Blog. If I have a birthday can I get 2 days of free labor too!
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