Dear mosquito that decided to attack my face the week I have to get my new driver’s license photo- you’re the reason I’m stuck with a fugly ID for the next 5 years, thanks. P.S. I kill you.
Dear feet- do we need to go over how to walk again? I can’t be having any more of these falls. They hurt, and to be honest? It’s really embarrassing.
Dear Provo parking police- I swear you’re stalking me, 2 tickets in 2 hours because of my RECENT expired registration?! Seriously?! Is that even allowed?! I can’t get my car registered in 2 hours! So I’m going to disregard these tickets, you know because you’re not a REAL cop. Btw-you suck.
Dear Unbreakable phone- liar.
Dear Eyes- What’s the deal? You just decided to go bad all of a sudden? I ate my carrots, I did my part. You can’t do this to me right now, I’m young, and extremely poor! I can’t afford all the doctor visits to fix you. You’re affecting my work, and my health. So knock it off. Just go back to how you were k? I miss you.
Dear ***** ******- you’re like 58 I think it’s time to grow up.
Dear traffic cone-You hit me remember? So I think you owe me 200 bucks. Just sayin.
Dear Netflicks- I love you. But could you have all of the seasons available for your tv series? I don’t want to go spend 40 bucks on the next season. Pretty please?
Dear baday toilet- thanks for making it look like I peed my pants.
Dear life- get better ok?
haha sarah! i can't lie... this made my laugh pretty hard! only beacause i can totally relate and the way you worded everything totally cracked me up! you are so funny! but you must email me and tell me who the 58 year old man is... haha. also.. did your new phone break?? or was it sams? i have my old iphone if you need it.. i will have to figure out how to unlock it again.. but just let me know! i am sorry about all the bad luck. it's been a crappy week so far all around eh? it feels like monday again today. i hate it. anyway, if you need anything at all..please let me know! love you!
p.s. i think slab will cure all of this... we must go... asap!
Sorry Sarah! Have a hug {Sarah} and things will get better :) And yes, slab...isn't that a cure all?
Hahahaha. I know your right next to me right at work and I could just tell you what I'm thinking...but its not fun if I can't post comments :) This is awesome! You didn't mention how you had to have people slap your face to make the bug bite hurt less hahaha your my fav.
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